Terms and Conditions

The Rahbar International Journal of Social Science Research (RIJSSR) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access online academic research journal. It is published semiannually and aims to provide an educational forum for discussing issues of significant public interest worldwide.

Key Policies:

  1. Peer Review Policy:
    • Upon submission, the corresponding author receives an acknowledgment email.
    • An initial evaluation determines if the submission meets RIJSSR standards and falls within the journal’s scope.
    • If the paper passes the initial evaluation, it undergoes peer review by at least two experts in the field, with reviewers asked to complete the process within two weeks.
    • Contributions are evaluated based on:
      • Contribution to existing knowledge
      • Organization and readability
      • Soundness of methodology
      • Evidence supporting conclusions
      • Adequacy of literature review
    • Decisions after review include: Accept Submission; Revisions Required; Resubmit for Review; Decline Submission.
  2. Paper Selection and Publication Process:
    • Manuscripts should be written in English and submitted online or via email.
    • Upon receipt, the system sends an acknowledgment to the corresponding author.
    • The peer review process may take 4-10 weeks.
    • Each published paper will be assigned a DOI® number very soon, which appears beneath the author’s affiliation in the published paper and will be indexed very soon with various platforms.
  3. Open Access Policy:
    • The journal provides immediate open access to its content, supporting a greater global exchange of knowledge.
    • All articles are open-access and distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license.

For comprehensive details on submission guidelines, publication ethics, and other policies, please refer to the journal’s official website.

Download the Terms and Conditions here