Author Guideline

Rahbar International Journal of Social Science Research (RIJSSR) provides detailed author guidelines to assist contributors in preparing their manuscripts for submission. Adhering to these guidelines ensures a smooth review and publication process.

Manuscript Types and Lengths

  • Research Articles: Original reports that advance understanding in a specific field. Typically ranges from 2,000 to 20,000 words, including references and captions.
  • Reviews: Summaries of significant advancements, usually around 3,500 words with no more than 50 references.

Manuscript Structure:

  1. Title: Should be concise and informative, and avoid abbreviations or punctuation.
  2. Abstract: A structured summary (up to 300 words) outlining the purpose, methods, and key findings.
  3. Keywords: Up to five relevant terms.
  4. Main Text: Organized into sections such as Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion, with clear subheadings.
  5. References: Numbered sequentially as they appear in the text.
  6. Tables and Figures: embedded within the text at appropriate points, each with a title and, if necessary, footnotes.

Formatting Requirements:

  • File Format: Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format.
  • Text Formatting: Single-spaced, 11-point Times New Roman font.
  • Figures and tables: placed within the text at relevant points, not at the end.

Submission Process:

Manuscripts must be submitted online or via email as an attached file to the relevant email address of the IJSSRR. Authors are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the format, style, and content of previously published work in the journal.

Ethical Considerations:

Authors should ensure their work is original, not previously published, and not under consideration elsewhere. Compliance with ethical standards for human and animal research is mandatory. For comprehensive details, including the peer review process, publication ethics, and more, authors should refer to the IJSSRR’s official submission guidelines. By following these guidelines, authors can facilitate a more efficient review and publication process.

Download the guidelines here